Services of attorneys

In many cases the customer may do with the services of regular lawyer experienced in the respective field of law.  But sometimes the customers cannot do without experienced attorney instead of certified lawyer.

First of all, it concerns the persons who need protection in the criminal proceedings, and who have got the status of suspected, accused, defendant or sentenced person under certain circumstances.

Article 59 of the Constitution of Ukraine establishes the right of every person for legal assistance.  In cases stipulated by law this assistance shall be provided free of charge.  Everyone is free to choose the defender of his/her rights. There is advocacy operating in Ukraine in order to guarantee the right to protection from accusation and to provide legal assistance during resolution of cases in courts and other governmental bodies.

Notwithstanding the fact that certain provisions of effective law that used to limit one’s right to invite not only attorney in the capacity of defender, but also other specialists in the field of law, were recognized to be in conflict with the Constitution pursuant to the resolution of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated 16/11/2000, the customers prefer to ask for assistance of professional defenders, i.e. attorneys, to receive qualified legal assistance in the criminal cases.

Another advantage of legal assistance from the attorney is also his duty to keep client-attorney privilege.  This duty is protected by norms of effective law of Ukraine, and none will be able to make the attorney disclose the secrecy of consulting, advice, explanations provided to the customer and information received by the attorney in the process of performing his professional duties.

  • If you get into trouble and you need the help of defender in the criminal proceedings,
  • If your legal question requires guarantees of client-attorney privilege protection,

you will have the following guarantees from the Legal Firm "Mostovenko & Partners":

  • Protection of suspect’s or accused person’s interests at the stage of pre-trial investigation
  • Protection of the interests of suspect, accused person detained in the process of inquiry
  • Protection of defendant’s interests in the court of primary jurisdiction, court of appeal and court of cassation
  • Representation of aggrieved person’s interests at the stage of inquiry, pre-trial investigation and in the court of any jurisdiction
  • Keeping the client-attorney privilege regarding issues on which the citizen or legal entity used to contact the specialists of the firm
  • Attorney’s legal assistance in the civil, family, commercial and other disputes.